The Salem Orientalist Society

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Alabama Bound

I once knew a song that went like this:
I'm Alabama bound
I'm Alabama bound
So they say

Here's a picture of me sitting between Mike Thompson and Marlin Beasley that I stole from Aldo.
I'm the only person in the picture who's not a genuine Southerner, but I hope to change that as soon as I can.
Anybody want to come work on a farm with me?
:: posted by Willy Purple, 10:38 PM


There actually were quite a few young people there, but that picture was taken right before the end on Sunday when not a lot of folks were left. (There were quite a few people not from the South there, too, to be honest).
Cosmopolitan = bound for Hell. I hope to retrograde right out of this world of sin and woe.
You'dve been proud of me today, too - I went down and visited Jefferson Davis' grave. See you before long, I hope,
Blogger Willy Purple, at 9:21 PM, December 10, 2006  
Thanks and same to you. Any of you all want tp hang out sometime this week, let me know. Best luck for the new year,
W. Purple
Blogger Willy Purple, at 9:39 PM, January 07, 2007  
Sorry for being so derelict in so many ways - we'll have to get together some other time or you'll have to let me know when you're in Maryland.

And to my other friend: if I really thought it were bad, I'd have stopped a long time ago.

Yours with love,
W. Purple
Blogger Willy Purple, at 8:21 PM, January 16, 2007  

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