The Salem Orientalist Society

Monday, April 09, 2007

Yours with spring on the mind

If I have one more lady ask me in a southern accent if I'd mind if she touches my hair, I'm going to get a buzz cut.
I've got some slides for you all to make an easy post and get you all to quit clamoring for an update while I'm busy reading for my exams (which will be on the 9th to 11th of May, followed by orals on the 21st).
Incidentally (assuming I pass these exams), I'm going to be working on my dissertation next year with no classes, no teaching, and no assistanceship, meaning I will have no obligation to be here, so I can theoretically be wherever I want to be. I'm trying to decide where that is.

These are all Kodachrome 25 from 2000.

Here's when we dug up a forty year old freezer in our back yard. It was full of ashes. We enlarged the hole and moved it a few feet so it would be out of the way of the greenhouse we were building, and then re-buried it.

Later, I cut the head of this thing and mounted it on a nice wooden plaque, gave it to my brother for his birthday. He's still got it on his wall, and for all the people who've been over there, only one has ever asked him about it, he tells me.

Depending on how you look at it, this might be the ugliest or the most beautiful fruit in the world.
:: posted by Willy Purple, 8:11 PM


Good luck with your exams Nathan-
All the best-
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:44 AM, May 09, 2007  
Are you in Maryland? I was just there. If you were, and if you had told me, I could have visited you.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:59 PM, June 11, 2007  
Yeah, that's too bad, whoever you are. Why don't you come back but tell me that you're going to be here first? Also, how come you never answer my e-mails? I've sent four or five hundred messages to and you haven't replied to a single one.
Blogger Willy Purple, at 1:52 PM, June 18, 2007  
nice nathan exams eh? well see ya later.

Blogger Unknown, at 6:26 PM, August 30, 2007  

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